How I Do I Stop Waking Up Tired

May 17, 2023 Published: Last Updated: Jan 19, 2024

Do you feel like you can never seem to shake off that feeling of exhaustion? Despite getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep, do you still wake up feeling tired and groggy? If this sounds all too familiar, you're not alone. In fact, nearly one-third of all Australians report experiencing poor sleep quality. So what can you do to improve your sleep habits and finally wake up feeling refreshed? In this blog post, we'll explore some potential reasons for why you may be waking up tired and offer some tips on how you can make adjustments to your sleep environment and habits.

waking up tired

Firstly, consider trying out some sleep headphones to phase out any distractions. If you find that any sudden noises or your partner snoring, wakes you up in the middle of the night, you can try using comfy headphones to block out the noise. You'll be able to listen to calming music, podcasts or even white noise that can help lull you back to sleep again. Be sure to select headphones that are comfortable to wear, lightweight and designed to not hurt your ears, which can lead to soreness the next day.

Secondly, practising meditation has been shown to be an effective way to reduce stress, as well as improve sleep quality. A few minutes of meditation before you sleep can help calm your mind, relax your body, and decrease the likelihood of racing thoughts that prevent you from getting restful sleep. Initially, this process may feel difficult, but with regular practice, you may see positive sleep results.

Thirdly, the use of specific essential oils can also assist to create a more restful environment. One such oil is lavender, a popular choice for its calming effect. Researchers have found that inhaling lavender oil before bedtime can improve sleep quality whilst reducing anxiety levels. Put a few drops on your pillow, add it to your bedtime bath or purchase a diffuser that dispenses the scent throughout your bedroom. This will help create an atmosphere of peace and calmness to encourage improved sleep.

Fourthly, it's important to create a healthy sleep environment to encourage better sleep quality. This means keeping your room cool and choosing comfortable, breathable bedding. Avoid screen time before you sleep to reduce blue light exposure that can impact sleep-wake cycles. Additionally, maintain a consistent bedtime and wake-up time. Though going to sleep at the same time every night may feel limiting, it will help set your body's natural circadian rhythm and generally improve the quality of your sleep.

Finally, for those with diagnosed sleep disorders or who have tried multiple natural remedies to no avail, it's time to seek medical advice. Sleep apnea, insomnia, and restless leg syndrome, amongst other conditions, all have the potential to cause sleep disturbances, and specialist treatment may be necessary.

Sleep is crucial to performing and feeling your best, but it's essential to think quality over quantity. Poor sleep is associated with mood swings, low energy, memory loss and even chronic diseases. Now that you have some better insight into why you might be waking up tired, start making some small changes to your bedtime routine or sleep environment. Whether it's introducing essential oils, trying out sleep headphones, or speaking to your medical professional for assistance, making these changes can make a significant impact on your overall wellbeing and help you finally say goodbye to morning grogginess.

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