The Sleepytime History of Incense Sticks

Last Updated: NOV 13, 2022

There's no shortage of theories about how incense can help you sleep. Some say that the scent of certain herbs can act as a natural sedative. Others believe that the smoke from incense sticks helps to clear negative energy from your space, creating a more peaceful environment for slumber.

History of incense sticks

If you've ever lit an incense stick before bed, you may have noticed that the smell seems to help you relax and maybe even drift off to sleep. But did you know that the tradition of using incense to help with sleep dates back centuries? Let's take a look at the history of incense and how it's still used today to promote better sleep.

The first recorded use of incense dates back to ancient Egypt, where it was used in religious ceremonies. Incense was also popular in ancient Greece and Rome, where it was used not only in religious ceremonies but also in public baths and homes as a way to mask bad smells. By the Middle Ages, incense was being used extensively in churches all over Europe as part of religious ceremonies.

It wasn't until the early 20th century that scientists began to study the effects of incense on sleep. One of the earliest studies was conducted by Polish psychiatrist Mieczysław Kotarbiński, who found that patients who were exposed to the scent of oriental herbs before bed slept better than those who weren't. Kotarbiński's findings were later backed up by other studies, which found that certain scents do indeed promote better sleep. So if you're looking for a natural way to improve your sleep quality, consider lighting an incense stick before bed! Just be sure to put it out before you fall asleep so you don't start a fire.

Today, incense sticks are still widely used for their ability to promote relaxation and sleep. In fact, many people use them as part of their bedtime routine.

There's no denying that incense sticks can help you relax and maybe even drift off to sleep. If you're looking for a natural way to improve your sleep quality, consider lighting an incense stick before bed!