What Do Dreamcatchers Really Do?

Dec 26, 2022 Published: Last Updated: Dec 26, 2022

Dreamcatchers are a type of handmade craft that originated with the Native American Lakota tribe. They are made of a circular frame woven with a web of string or sinew, and decorated with feathers and beads. The dreamcatcher is believed to protect the owner from bad dreams, allowing only good dreams to pass through the web and slide down the feathers to the person sleeping below.

Dreamcatcher at night

The story of the dreamcatcher begins with the Lakota tribe's belief in the power of dreams. According to Lakota tradition, dreams are a way for the spirits to communicate with humans and to guide them through life. The dreamcatcher was created as a way to protect people from the negative influence of bad dreams, which were believed to be caused by malevolent spirits.

The dreamcatcher is typically hung above the bed or in a window, where it can catch any negative dreams that might enter a person's mind while they are sleeping. The good dreams, on the other hand, are believed to pass through the web and down the feathers to the person sleeping below, bringing them messages of guidance and inspiration.

In addition to its protective function, the dreamcatcher is also a symbol of cultural identity for many Native American tribes. It is often given as a gift to mark a special occasion or to show respect and appreciation for the recipient. Today, dreamcatchers are popular among people of all cultures and are often used as decorative objects in homes and offices.

Where should I put my dreamcatcher?

To use a dreamcatcher, simply hang it in a place where you will see it before you go to sleep. Some people also find it helpful to focus on the dreamcatcher and mentally send their worries or negative thoughts away from themselves and into the web. You can also ask the dreamcatcher to bring you positive dreams or to provide guidance and support during difficult times.

What do the colours represent in a dreamcatcher?

In traditional Native American culture, different colors of dreamcatchers had specific symbolic meanings. For example, red represented strength and bravery, while yellow symbolised wisdom and enlightenment. Blue was often associated with trust, stability, and calmness, while green represented growth, fertility, and abundance.

In modern times, dreamcatchers are available in a wide range of colors and color combinations, and the specific meaning of each color may vary. Some people choose dreamcatchers based on the symbolic meaning of the colors, while others may simply choose a color that they find aesthetically pleasing.

It is worth noting that the color of the dreamcatcher itself is not as important as the intention with which it is made and used. The dreamcatcher is believed to work as a protective talisman and to bring positive energy to the owner, regardless of the specific colors it contains.

Why do some dreamcatchers have smaller ones underneath?

Some dreamcatchers are made with smaller dreamcatchers attached to them, either hanging underneath the main dreamcatcher or woven into the design. There are a few different reasons why people might choose to include smaller dreamcatchers in their design.

One reason is for added protection. The smaller dreamcatchers may be seen as providing additional layers of protection against negative energies and bad dreams.

Another reason is for decorative purposes. The smaller dreamcatchers can add visual interest and depth to the overall design of the dreamcatcher.

In some cases, the smaller dreamcatchers may also have specific symbolic meanings. For example, they may represent the protection and guidance of ancestors or spiritual guides, or they may represent the interconnectedness of all living beings.

While dreamcatchers are not a guarantee against bad dreams, they can serve as a powerful symbol of protection and positivity. Whether you are using a dreamcatcher for its traditional purpose or simply as a decorative item, it is a beautiful and meaningful way to add some positive energy to your life.

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