Why Can't I Hear Myself Snoring?
Have you ever wondered why you can’t hear yourself snoring? There is a scientific explanation for why you tend not to hear your own snores – and we're here to talk about it. Let’s dive into why you can’t hear yourself snore while you sleep when others around you can hear it loud and clear.

Why Don’t Snorers Wake Up When They Snore?
The reason you can’t hear yourself snore comes down to something called selective hearing. Your brain filters out low-priority sounds – you're more likely to wake if you hear your own name than a random word, for example. That's why your partner might be able to hear their own snores but not yours – it's low on the list of priorities for your brain!
However, especially loud snores do sometimes have the power to wake up a snorer partially. This usually results in them stopping their snoring momentarily before going right back to sleep almost immediately afterward. It’s like your body has become accustomed to your own noise and doesn’t find anything wrong with it!
Research suggests that our ears still receive sound while we sleep, but our brains filter out what they consider “low-priority” sounds. This explains why most of us wake up if we hear our name being called in the middle of the night, but not if someone talks in a random voice.
Another potential reason for why we don't recognise our own snoring is because of something called "sensory adaptation." This phenomenon occurs when one of your senses becomes exposed to a stimulus over an extended period of time, and then eventually stops recognising it as we becomes more familiar with it. In other words, because we've been hearing the same sound (our own snoring) every night for years or even decades, our brain has become so used to it that we no longer perceive it as something out of the ordinary – like any other sound that comes from inside our bedroom at night.
What Can You Do About It?
If you or your partner is constantly kept awake by loud snoring and aren’t sure what to do about it, there are some solutions available.
One option is to see an ear nose and throat specialist who can help diagnose any underlying issues that could be causing loud sleeping habits and then recommend the best course of action from there.
There are also devices available that can help reduce loud snoring noises such as nasal strips or oral appliances that open up airways during sleep. Some opt for using earplugs to drown out the noise of snoring as they are very reliable.
Additionally, lifestyle changes such as drinking less alcohol or losing weight may also help reduce loud noises during sleep time.
All in all, it's fascinating how our brains work when we're asleep - even if that means keeping us from waking ourselves up with our own loud noises! While some people may have underlying causes for their excessive snoring, most of us just need a few lifestyle adjustments (like drinking less alcohol) or anti-snoring devices (like nasal strips) in order to get some peace and quiet!
There are several explanations for why Australians can’t typically hear themselves snoring at night even though others around them often do – ranging from sensory adaptation and low-priority sound filtering by our brains while sleeping to simply not remembering a brief moment of consciousness during an especially loud episode. Interesting right.