How Getting a Better Night's Sleep Can Change Your Whole Day

Nov 19, 2022 Published:

We all know how everyone says how important sleep is. It refreshes and rejuvenates our bodies, helps us to heal and repair, and gives us the energy we need to face the day. But did you know that getting a good night's sleep can actually change the way you feel during the day? Here's how.

How does sleep impact my mood

What does science say?

Sleep deprivation has been linked with a whole host of negative health effects, including weight gain, depression, anxiety, and even chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. But one of the most immediate effects of lack of sleep is a decrease in productivity. Studies have shown that people who are sleep deprived are less able to focus, make decisions, and remember information than those who are well-rested. In fact, one study found that sleep deprivation leads to as much as a 40% decrease in productivity!

But it's not just a lack of sleep that can affect our daytime attitude and feelings. The quality of our sleep is just as important as the quantity. If we're frequently waking up during the night or tossing and turning, that can lead to fatigue and irritability during the day. And if we're not getting enough deep, REM sleep, we may not be giving our brains the chance to rest and recover properly from the day's activities.

What facts do we know about sleep changing our mood?

According to Dr. Nerina Ramlakhan, our attitudes towards the day are directly impacted by the quality of our sleep. In an article for The Huffington Post, Dr. Ramlakhan discusses how poor sleep can lead to what she calls "emotional hijacking." This is when our emotions get the better of us and we lash out or make impulsive decisions that we later regret. However, when we get a good night's sleep, we're better able to manage our emotions and make rational decisions. 

In addition to managing our emotions, sleep also impacts the chemicals in our brains that affect our mood. Serotonin, for example, is a chemical that helps regulate our mood and feelings of happiness. A lack of sleep can lead to a decrease in serotonin levels, which can then lead to feelings of sadness and anxiety. Conversely, enough quality sleep can help keep serotonin levels balanced, leading to a better mood overall. 

So what does this all mean?

Simply put, getting enough quality sleep is crucial for maintaining a positive attitude towards the day. Whether we realise it or not, sleep has a direct impact on how we feel and behave throughout the day. If you're struggling with your attitude, take a look at your sleep habits first - you might be surprised at how much of an impact they have!

So how can we make sure we're getting the best possible night's sleep?

For starters, establish a regular bedtime routine and stick to it as much as possible. Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed, and create a calm environment in your bedroom (think: dark, quiet, cool). Establishing these healthy habits can help you get the deep, restful sleep you need to feel your best during the day.

A good night's sleep is crucial for our overall health and well-being—but did you know it can also change the way you feel during the day? Sleep deprivation leads to a decrease in productivity, while poor sleep quality can lead to fatigue and irritability. Establishing healthy sleep habits is essential for getting the deep, restful sleep we need to feel our best during waking hours. So next time you're feeling groggy and crabby during the day, take a look at your nighttime routine—it just might be time for an overhaul!

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